Published on February 5, 2007 By jinxjx In OS Customization
hi all, ok, a stupid question. so rainlender is only for a calender? or is it for weather widgets to ?...thank you.
on Feb 05, 2007
From the description box at the Rainlendar Gallery here:

Rainlendar is a customizable calendar that displays the current month. It is a very lightweight application that doesn't use much system resources or take much space on your desktop.

From the Rainlendar Site:

Rainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that is easy to use and doesn't take much space on your desktop.

on Feb 05, 2007
I've use "Rainlendar", and only know it for a calendar.

WWW Link

"Rainmeter" (that I have NOT used) is from the same people. It sounds more like Sysmetrix, and shows weather on the promo shot.

WWW Link

Note: there are 2 versions of "Rainlendar" - most "skins" you will find won't necessarily work well with the newer "Rainlendar2".